As you all know, I’m a big proponent in trying to take the profit out of Telemarketers. I’ve talked about wasting their time. I’ve talked about preventing their limited human resources from make sales. Filing complaints with the FTC to get them investigated and cited.
However, there’s another thing you can do: Sue them! This can transfer some of their profits directly into your own pocket. Sounds like a great idea, doesn’t it? A nice side effect, they will have extra motivation to add you to their Do-Not-Call list, and maybe, be more diligent in screening numbers against the Federal Do No Call list in the future. You profit, and hopefully everyone benefits.
Well, you’re in luck, because when they first passed the Telephone Communications Protection Act (TCPA), they included something special: Private Right of Action. This means they specifically said in the legislation you can directly sue Telemarketers and win damages.
Of course, some telemarketers really don’t want to go through the hassle of a lawsuit, especially when you’re armed with evidence and the TCPA on your side. Some (or many) may pay up without even having to go to court.
We’re not lawyers here, so we’ve haven’t really touched on the subject. But we wished someone would. And finally, someone has! A local Dallas TV station even did a segment on it: has set up a program to help you out. This $47 kit provides information and templates to help you collect information, and begin the process of getting them to pay you damages. They also have a Facebook group to help provide support, suggestions, and shared successes.
The minimum damages provided by the TCPA is $500. So even one success will make your money back. Given that many people push for triple damages of $1,500 per violation (“willful or knowing” violations), it could be well worth the investment!
Full disclosure – We got a kit very recently, but haven’t had the opportunity to take advantage of this. However, we have been reviewing the Facebook group and it looks very promising!
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